Feature Projects:
Take Action:

: : K2 Raleigh St, Windsor



consultation: 2001-2006

built: 2007

architect: DESIGN INC

Key landscape principles

Paved spaces have been kept to a minimum, maximising mulched and planted garden beds.

Paving stormwater run-off is directed towards soft landscaping to increase soil infiltration time and decrease silts and nutrients entering public stormwater.

Run-off from driveways is directed towards planted treatment trenches or ‘bioswales’ to slow the passage to the overflow pits and remove road grime, oils and grease.

Greywater is treated on site and used for irrigation. The irrigation of the mulched garden beds has been seasonally calculated and limited to allow for moderate plant growth and ‘top up’ by natural rain events. Over irrigating would reduce the soil’s capacity for infiltration.

Indigenous and native plants have been used where possible which are best suited to fluctuations in natural rain events.

A small gross pollutant trap has been incorporated to remove any litter that enters into the stormwater system. It is in a highly visible location to promote awareness to the residents.

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