Tips on How to Search for Architects and Designers on Domain Design
Domain Design comprehensively profiles Architects, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects and Landscape Designers throughout
Most search engines and directories provide the name of a business, a catchphrase and a link to the website. Because this information is so limited it is necessary for you to visit the website via the link to obtain more information.
Domain Design is different. All the information you need to source a design professional is here.
Retaining a designer is a significant undertaking. Whether the retainer is residential or commercial, it invariably relates to a major asset. You should spend time familiarizing yourself with all of the designer profiles which match your search criteria and then systematically create your shortlist as you go. Once your shortlist is refined to a manageable size, you should then use our link to visit the websites of those designers and use our contact page to discuss your requirements with them.
By registering with Domain Design you will be able to save designer profiles to your shortlist. This is an important tool which will enable you to view many profiles and then revisit your favourites. By registering with Domain Design you will also receive newsletters focusing on design trends and developments. When you register you will have the option to decline to receive newsletters.
To register, click on Public Login and enter your email address and password on the right side of the screen. We will then send you an email confirming your registration and requesting that you activate it by clicking on Activate.
For subsequent visits to Domain Design click on Public Login and enter your email address and password on the left side of the screen.
On the left side of the Home & Search page are the categories Architecture, Interior and Landscape. Architecture is automatically highlighted when you first enter the site. If you wish to search for Architects, leave the highlighting as it is. If you wish to search for Interior Designers, click on Interior. If you wish to search for either Landscape Architects or Landscape Designers, click on Landscape. Select only one category at a time. If a design practice embraces more then one category, its profile will appear in all relevant categories. For example, you may search Interior and your search result may include Architects. That means that their design practice includes Architecture and Interior Design.
Select the State or Territory in which you require the work to be undertaken. This is the basis on which designers are profiled on this site. For example, if you select
Select either Commercial or Residential depending on the work to be undertaken. Designers who undertake both commercial and residential work will appear in both categories. Feel free to search across both types. Any is the option which automatically displays when you first enter the site.
Select the style which suits you. Designers who feature projects with different styles will appear in all relevant categories. Feel free to search across more than one style. Any is the option which automatically displays when you first enter the site.
Click on Search and your search result will display on the left side of the screen. The details for each designer contained in the search result display comprise their hero image, their name, their office location and the start of their headline. Designers are listed alphabetically so spend time familiarizing yourself with all of the profiles in your search result to find the designers best suited to you and your project.
The full profiles of designers are displayed on the right side of the screen. The profile which is automatically displayed is that of the designer listed on the top of each page of the search result. To view the full profile of another designer included in the search result click on view this profile+. The full profile of that designer will then display on the right side of the screen. The profile of each designer features a description of their design practice, images and descriptions of projects and a contact page containing contact details and enabling you to send an email to the designer and link to their website. The first page of the designer profile to display is the description of the design practice. Click on project names to display them. Click on thumbnails of images to make them the feature image. Click on Add to Shortlist to save the profiles of designers you like to your Shortlist. The next time you visit Domain Design you will then be able to login and revisit those profiles in your Shortlist. Click on Contact for the contact details for the designer. Fill in your details in the message box and click on Submit message to send an email to the designer. Click on their website address to visit their website via our link. When you have finished visiting their site simply click the screen away and you will be returned to Domain Design.
Tags are descriptive words used by designers and registered visitors to this site to best describe the featured projects. They can be used by you to refine your search results so that you retrieve only profiles which include one or more projects which have been described with those words. You can either search using tags in addition to your search by location, type and style or you can nominate any location, any type and any style and then search using tags only. You can select as many tags as you want. If you select a number of tags as part of one search, your search will return a result which displays all profiles which include one or more projects with at least one of those tags.
Each category - Architecture, Interior and Landscape - has its own set of tags. The tag cloud on the Home & Search page displays the fifty most common tags in the category you have selected to search. The tags are displayed alphabetically. The size of the word in the tag cloud indicates its popularity. Click on words in the tag cloud to include them in your search. They will display to the right of the tag cloud. If you change your mind and wish to remove them, click on the checked box and they will be returned to the tag cloud. Then click on Search to begin your search. If you choose not to search using tags at the beginning, you can always refine your search later. You can do so by clicking on Refine Search, adding tags from the tag cloud and clicking on Search. Alternatively, as you view projects and find that you like a particular style which is commonly described by a particular tag, you can select that tag from the project page and click on Search Again. To add your own tag to a project, click on Suggest a Tag, type in your tag and click on Tag.